

Life is an ornament of people of all colors, all languages, images and songs. Chapati weaves a fabric in which you dream peace, put it on like a robe, pass it on with the

Smile of recognition and consciousness

 The other, the stranger, who becomes a friend.

... stands not only simply for beautiful clothes, but means more QUALITY OF LIFE being anchored in the here and now

... offers individualists an alternative to the gray mainstream look

... embodies a fashion in which a new and an old world shake hands: traditional values of cordiality, warmth and mutual appreciation, handed into a high-tech, fast-moving communication society, which is searching for meaning and reflection

... builds a bridge between the Orient and the Occident - with the aim of overcoming prejudices and creating closeness

... shows through a cultural diversity a look, which surprises again and again with new, exciting details

... comes from the heart of Berlin and sits therefore at an inexhaustible source of inspiration, whereby the current spirit of the times is always met

... attaches great importance to fair conditions in production, where the human being is in the foreground

... Organic Cotton is committed to sustainability - for us and our descendants

Chapati is Indian and means bread. Behind this is the idea of earning the bread to live with the design of the Chapati collection, i.e. to achieve self-reliance and independence.

This idea is also taken up in the Chapati logo: the Iranian word for bread is written in Persian characters in the center, thus closing the circle of the Chapati philosophy.

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